The Hackett Lab is located at St. Paul’s Hospital and it is part of the UBC Centre for Heart Lung Innovation (HLI). We have state-of-the-art equipment to aid our research in three main areas:
The Hackett lab is equipped with different equipment to aid our cell culture work including a biosafety cabinet, CO2 incubators, centrifuges, cell counter, bead bath and others. We have specialized tissue culture equipment funded through the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, that is available for lab members and collaborators to use: Uses vacuum pressure to apply cyclic strain to cells, mimicking the strain applied during breathing. A real-time, label free, impedance-based method to study the activities of cells grown in tissue culture.
We have a number of microscopes in our lab that assist us in our routine and diagnostic work: We also have access to specialized microscopes available at HLI Cellular Imaging and Biophysics Core to aid in ultra high resolution imaging of cells and tissues in fixed and living specimens such as Super resolution Confocal Microscope, Multi Photon Excitation Microscopy, and MicroCT Imaging System. For specialized staining of FFPE and frozen sections, we also have access to services provided by HLI Histology Core.
We utilize a variety of equipment and techniques in our lab such as: We also have access to multi-user sate-of the art equipment available at HLI Molecular Phenotyping Core (MLPC) such as Flow cytometry, Genotyping, and Multiplex protein analyses.
Flexcell Tension System (FX- 5000)
Electric Cell-Substarte Impedance Sensing System (ECIS)
Light Microscope (Nikon Eclipse 50i)
Inverted Microscopes (Motic AE31)
Dissecting Microscope (Motic SMZ- 140)
Real-Time PCR
Protein Detection and Blot Imaging systems